Kirikoketa: France musical instrument
The kirikoketa is a specialized Basque wooden musical instrument that is related to the ‘txalaparta’. The musical instrument is closely re...
The kirikoketa is a specialized
Basque wooden musical instrument that is related to the ‘txalaparta’. The musical
instrument is closely related to the working activities. The musical instrument
is said to be an idiophone.
The musical instrument is named after
the sound it produces. The instrument is made up of a single board some 1.5m
long and 2 or 3 strikers the height of a person, one person, with a wide base
that has the shape of a cone. Hammer may also be used to hit the musical
Just as many other Basque sound
musical instruments and sport activities, the musical instrument roots from and
is associated to working activities. This particular musical instrument comes
directly from the apple pressing process; in this process, the fruits are
ground down for making cider. Men uses to work for about 8 days in the process
and on the day, they gathered together in the village market square and
celebrated with the instruments employed in their work, performing the kirikoketa
while chanting the following tune along; “Kirikoketa, kirikoketa, kirikoketa, koketa,
koketa, sagarra jo dela, sagarra jo dela, sagarra jo dela, jo dela, jo dela”.
The inhabitant from
the region of the river Bidasoa and Baztan continued the tradition for
centuries until it almost died in the 1920s. The Basque culture revival and
field research that was carried out by Basque scholars and cultural activist,
particularly since the 1960s enhanced the public profile out f the limbo during
the last years, like the renaissance of the txalaparta, but to a lesser extent.
The cider-maker of
the instruments traditionally beats the strikers intermittently on the cider
press so as to crush apples, achieving a playful and rhythmic pattern as a
means of enlivening the long process. The style remains analogous; 2 or 3
persons standing in front of the boar beat the instrument with a striker, they
may move along the board in search of distinct sounds and try harder or softer
and slower or faster beats on the musical instrument. When three people are
playing the instrument, the rhythmic pattern is ternary one.
In the contemporary
days, the festival Kirikoketa Besta is arranged in Arizkun since about 2011 and
is arranged by the society Jo Ala Jo Elkartea, that are both aimed at
showcasing old cider practices by showing a re-enactment of the cider making
procedure and encouraging the use of the instrument as a musical instrument.