Huimmelchen: German musical instrument
The huimmelchen is a kind of small german bagpipe instrument. The instrument is attested in Sybntagma Musicum by Praetorius Michael during...
The huimmelchen is a kind of small
german bagpipe instrument. The instrument is attested in Sybntagma Musicum by
Praetorius Michael during the renaissance. Early versions of the muisical
instrument are believed to have double reeded chanters, most likely with
single-reeded drones.
source of picture:
The name of the musical instrument is
assumed to have come from the Low German word ‘hameln’ which means ‘trim’. This
may refer to the small sized version of the huimmelchen, resembling a
trimmed-down version of a bigger bagpipe instrument. Another possibly origin of
the name comes from the word ‘hummel’ which means ‘bumble-bee’ referring to the
buzzing sound of the drone. The word hummel is still being used to refer to a
kind of droning zither in the Germanic countries.