Guitarrónchileno: Chilean musical instrument
The guitarrónchileno that is also seen as Chilean guitarron is a plucked string musical instrument that has 24 or 25 strings from Chile. T...
The guitarrónchileno that is also seen as Chilean guitarron is a plucked string musical
instrument that has 24 or 25 strings from Chile. The invention of this musical
instrument dates back to the 16th century and it is used in the
accompaniment of ‘el canto delpoeta; that is an ancient Chilean folk genre that
cultivates decimal and improvisation that is also known as pavada. The themes
hugged can be differentiated from Canto a loDivino and Canto a loHumano. This
musical instrument is also played in some other musical forms such as the
cuecas, tonadas, valses and the polkas.
Just like some other relatives of the guitar, the guitarrónchileno is
carved of wood and the same major section may be differentiated in its
construction. The head of the instrument is heavy and very long. It is sized to
give support to the instrument’s 21 strings with their respective tuning
machines. The slotted setup is analogous to that of classical guitar, although
they are three slots for tuners, which is different from the normal two. The
head of the instrument is rarely decorated with the carving.
The neck of the instrument is wider than the standard guitar and
frequently is fitted with only about 8 fret, but some modern types of the
instruments are totally fretted with about 18 or 19 frets just like that of the
classical guitars.
The body of the guitarrónchileno is more of traditional construction as
the body is a bit shorter and narrower at the bouts than that of the guitar,
although also somehow deeper. Many series of this instrument has hole, but some
specimen show highly attractive rosettes.
The bridge of the instrument has daggers, which is a showy extension that
extends along the top of the instrument. The arrangement of the instrument’s
strings may be seen where strings pass over the sound hole of the musical
instrument. The strings of the instrument are made of metal both plain and
The strings of this musical instrument are grouped courses of many
numbers of strings. Five courses pass over the fingerboard of the musical
instrument and each of them has either five or four or probable three strings
in it. Stings within a course can be tuned in either unison or in octaves;
tuning between courses is in fourths excluding between the second and the third
course where the interval is always the major third.
With the musical instrument held in the playing position, the stringing
is devil, devil, 5-strings course, 5- or 4-string course, 3-string course,
3-string course, devil, devil, and the tuning of the instrument is F#5 • A4 •
D4 D4 D3 D3 D2 • G4 G4G4 G3 G3 • (C4) C4 C4 C3 C2 • E4 E4E4 • A4 A4A4 • G4 • B4