Electronic Music of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Bosnian electronic dance of the music has also been a very famous in Bosnia and herzegovian since the mid- 20 th century, the fam...

Bosnian electronic dance of the music has also been a very famous in Bosnia and
herzegovian since the mid- 20th century, the famous producers and artist
which include the Adi Lukovac (Adi Lukovac and the ornaments (Mirza (Mizi)
Causevic (which is the mental escape).
The new generation of
the electronic music producers in the Bosnia whichc include the names like
Arnej, Sinisa Tamamovic, Mladen Tomic, DJ Mika, Nacis Jr. aka Monohonic/
Mashala, cycle Six, Chipi, Nadix LudDogg.