Second phase of Australian rock "n" roll
The second wave of Australian rock began in about 1964 and followed directly by the impact of the Beatles. In the gradual wake of the Beat...
second wave of Australian rock began in about 1964 and followed directly by the
impact of the Beatles. In the gradual wake of the Beatles’ historic Australian
tour, several local groups that had previously played guitar-based instrumental
music recruited singer and took up the new beat style. Some of the best known
and most popular acts in this time were Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs; Ray Brow
and the Whisper; the Easybeats; the Bee Gees; the Masters Apprentice;, the
Twilights; the Groop, the Groove; the Loved Ones and cult acts like the Throb
and solo star Normie Rowe who became Australia’s most popular male pop vocalist.
At this time, a wave of acts also came from New Zealand that included the Ray
Columbus and the invaders, Max Merritt and the Meteors, Dinah Lee, Larry’s
Rebels and the La De Das.
Australian band and singers tried to improve their career by moving overseas, in
particular to England and then seen as the Mecca of popular music but few bands
were successful among those that relocated to the UK.