Eva Engel
Eva Engel better known with the name zeebee was born on the 29 th June 1965 in Aelen, Germany. She is an austrian singer-songwriter, a co...

Eva Engel better known with the name zeebee was born on the 29th
June 1965 in Aelen, Germany. She is an austrian singer-songwriter, a composer
and a music producer. She makes music and sound with many styles like jazz,
pop, electronica, acoustic music and classical music. Zeebee has been recording herself sincve she was 5.
source of picture: myrome.org
Ø 1987
D-Sire Moving Back And Forward',
Label: Off Course
Ø 2003
Tender EP, Label: zeebeemusic
Ø 2004
Chemistry, Label: Angelika
Ø 2005
Cartoonboom Video EP, Label:
Angelika Köhlermann
Ø 2006
Priorities, Label: Angelika
Köhlermann/Monkey Music
Ø 2007
Klaus Waldeck Ballroom Stories,
Label: Dope Noir
Ø 2010
In Peace We Live EP, Label:
Dope Noir
Ø 2010
Be My Sailor, Label: Dope Noir
Ø Cartoonboom (Suk & Koch, New
Ø Sunday Morning (zeebee)