Mouloud Mammeri

Mouloud Mammeri was born on the 28 th December 1917 in Taourirt Mimoune Ait Yenni in Tizi ouzou region of Algeria; he died in February 19...

Mouloud Mammeri was born on the 28th December 1917 in Taourirt Mimoune Ait Yenni in Tizi ouzou region of Algeria; he died in February 1989 near Ain Defla in a car accident while going back to his house from a conference in Oujda, Morocco.
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Mouloud Mammeri attended a primary school in the school that is in his native village. In the year 1928, he moved to Morocco to live with the uncle in rabat. After four years, he came back to his country to chase his studies at the Bugeaud College. Mouloud Mammeri went to Lycee Louis-le- Grand in Paris, France with the intention of joining the École Normale Supérieure. Erecruited in the year 1939 and discharged in the year 1940, Mouloud Mammeri made a registration at the Faculté des Lettres d’Alger. Re-recruited in the year 1942 after the landing of the American, he took part in the allied campaignzs in France, Germany and in Italy.
Subsequent to the end of the war, Mouloud Mammeri goty his degree as a professor of arts and went back to his country in September of the year 1947.
Mouloud Mammeri taught in Medea and then in Ben Aknoun. He published his first novel called The Forgotten Hill in the year 1952. Mouloud Mammeri was forced to leave Algiers in the year 1957 due to the Algerian War, but he came back to the country after the independence of the country in the year 1962. From the year 1965 to the year 1972, Mouloud Mammeri taught Berber at the university in the department of ethnology. The teaching of Berber was not allowed in the year 1962 by the government of the country. He willingly taught the course under some permission until the year 1973, when some of the courses attached to the Berber like Anthropology and ethnology were judged to be colonial sciences and banned. From the year 1969 to the year 1980, Mouloud Mammeri was the director of the Anthropological, Prehistoric and Ethnographic Research center, which is at Algiers. He was also the head of the first national union of the Algerian writers for a time, till he left because of the disagreement over the views of the functions of writers in the society. Mouloud Mammeri collected and published the poems of a Kabylie poet, Si Mohand in the year 1969. In the year 1980, the disband of one of his conference at Tizi Ouzou on the Kabyle poetry raised dust and led to riots and what was called Berber Spring in Kabylie.
Mouloud Mammeri discovered the center of Amazigh Studies and Research in the year 1982 and a periodical known as Awal in Paris and he arranged for many seminars on the amazigh language and literature at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Mouloud Mammeri was thus able to gather a wealth of information on the amazigh language and literature. In the year 1988, he got an honorary doctorate degree from Sorbonne.
Mouloud Mammeri died in the evening of the 26th February 1989 in a car accident that took place near Ain-Defla, while he was coming back from a symposium in Oujda, Morocco.


Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou is named after him.



Ø  "La Colline oubliée" , Paris, Plon, 1952, 2nde édition, Paris, Union Générale d’Éditions, S.N.E.D., col. 10/18, 1978 (ISBN 2-264-00907-1); Paris, Folio Gallimard, 1992 (ISBN 2-07-038474-8).
Ø  "Le Sommeil du juste", Paris, Plon, 1952, 2nde édition, Paris, Union Générale d’Éditions, S.N.E.D., col. 10/18, 1978 (ISBN 2-264-00908-X).
Ø  L'opium et le bâton: roman (in French). (1965/1992). Paris: Éditions La Découverte. ISBN 2-7071-2086-3.
Ø  "La Traversée", Paris, Plon, 1982, 2nde édition, Alger, Bouchène, 1992.

Short Stories

Ø  “Ameur des arcades et l’ordre ”, Paris, 1953, Plon, “ La table ronde ”, N°72.
Ø  “Le Zèbre ”, Preuves, Paris, N° 76, Juin 1957, PP. 33–67.
Ø  “La Meute ”, Europe, Paris, N°567-568, Juillet-Août 1976 .
Ø  “L’Hibiscus ”, Montréal, 1985, Dérives N°49, PP. 67–80.
Ø  “Le Désert Atavique ”, Paris, 1981, quotidien Le Monde du 16 Août 1981.
Ø  “Ténéré Atavique ”, Paris, 1983, Revue Autrement N°05.
Ø  “Escales ”, Alger, 1985, Révolution africaine; Paris, 1992, La Découverte (ISBN 2-7071-2043-X).


Ø  “Le Foehn ou la preuve par neuf ”, Paris, PubliSud, 1982, 2nde édition, Paris, pièce jouée à Alger en 1967 .
Ø  “Le Banquet ”, précédé d’un dossier, la mort absurde des aztèques, Paris, Librairie académique Perrin, 1973.
Ø  “La Cité du soleil ”, sortie en trois tableaux, Alger, 1987, Laphomic, M. Mammeri : Entretien avec Tahar Djaout, pp. 62–94.


Ø  Les Isefra by Mohand ou Mohand (in French). (1969). Paris: F. Maspero. OCLC 186896.
Ø  Poèmes kabyles anciens (in French). (1980). Paris: F. Maspero. ISBN 2-7071-1150-3.
Ø  “L ‘Ahellil du Gourara”, Paris, M.S.H., 1984 (ISBN 2-7351-0107-X).
Ø  “Yenna-yas Ccix Muhand”, Alger, Laphomic, 1989.
Ø  “Machaho, contes berbères de Kabylie ”, Paris, Bordas.
Ø  “Tellem chaho, contes berbères de Kabylie ”, Paris, Bordas, 1980.

Grammar and linguistic

Ø  “Tajerrumt n tmazight (tantala taqbaylit) ”, Paris, Maspéro, 1976.
Ø  Précis de grammaire berbère (kabyle) (in French). (1987). Paris: Editions AWAL. ISBN 2-906659-00-2.
Ø  “Lexique français-touareg ”, en collaboration avec J.M. Cortade, Paris, Arts et métiers graphiques, 1967.
Ø  “Amawal Tamazight-Français et Français-Tamazight ”, Imedyazen, Paris, 1980.
Ø  “Awal ”, cahiers d’études berbères, sous la direction de M. Mammeri, 1985–1989, Paris, Awal.


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