Theodor Danegger
Theodor Danegger was born on the 31 st August 1891; 11 th October 1959. He was an Austrian film actor. He appeared in the total of 73 mo...
Theodor Danegger was born on the 31st August 1891; 11th
October 1959. He was an Austrian film actor. He appeared in the total of 73
movies of the country between the year 1932 and the year 1959. He was born in
the city of Lienz, Austria. And he died in the year Vienna.

source of picture:
Ø You Don't Forget Such a Girl
Ø Maria Ilona (1939)
Ø Love is Duty Free (1941)
Ø Fregola (1948)
Ø 1. April 2000 (1952)
Ø Hanussen (1955)