Herbert "Harry" Kuhner was born in the year 1935 in the city of Vienna. He is an Austrian writer and a also translator. sour...
Herbert "Harry" Kuhner was born in the year 1935 in the city of
Vienna. He is an Austrian writer and a also translator.
source of picture: www.literaturhaus-graz.at
Harry moved to the United States with the family in the year 1935 and he
completed his studies in the University of Columbia. He moved back to the city
of Vienna in the year 1963, and he is still working there as a writer and a
translator. He was the man that came up with the concept of remigration.
The president of the country conferred the title of a professor on him.
Harry’s translations have been advocating the literature of the ethnic
groups of the country and he made them accessible for the audience of the
English language.
He brought together an anthology of the Austrian lyric poetry after the
year 1945 through the Schocken Books.
In English
- Herbert
Kuhner: Nixe, 1968
- Herbert
Kuhner: Broadsides and Pratfalls:
Selected Poems, Stories and Translations, 1976
- Herbert
Kuhner (Hrsg.): Austrian Poetry
Today, 1985
In German
- Herbert
Kuhner: Der Ausschluss. Memoiren
eines Neununddreissigers, 1988
- Herbert
Kuhner: Liebe zu Österreich,
- Herbert
Kuhner: Minki die Nazi Katze und
die menschliche Seite, 1998