Herbert Gantschacher was born on the 2nd
December 1956, at Waiern in Feldkirchen in Karnten, Carinthia, Austria. He is
an Austrian director, a producer and a writer.
source of picture: en.wikipedia.org
Herbert Gantschacher graduated on the second school in Klagenfurt from
the year 1977 to the year 1980; he studied at the academy for Music and
Performing Art at the city of Graz. He graduated with honors in the year 1980
and in the year 1988, Herbert Gantschacher got his M.A.
Ø Musictheatreperformance
of the year 1993 in the Czech Republic for procuction of the opera The Emperor
of Atlantis or The Disobedience of Death by Viktor Ullmann
Ø Maecenas-Price
1994 for the project Kar, music theatre in the mountains in cooperation with
the Verbund-Company
Ø Maecenas-Price
2002 für the project Theatretraps in the Underground of Vienna
Ø European
Label 2002 for innovative language projects
Ø Maecenas-Price
2003 für the project Dada in Tramline 1 & Tramline 2
Ø Nomination
for the Bank Austria Art Prize 2012
Ø Award
by the Federal Minister Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek for the theatre project Sense
of Touch - Sense of Smell - Sense of Taste about the culture and communication
techniques of the deaf-blind with deaf-blind students and five sensed students
in 2014
Ø Arteco-Price
the project Different Trains (three operas on a moving train through Europe on
stations in Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria
dealing with the theme of deportation and death during the Holocaust)
Ø Cerec-Award
of the Financial Times
Essays about theatre
Ø Signer
and Rossini - two brothers in spirit? – 1992.
Ø Crossing
Boarders - 1993
Ø The
new music theatre project KAR – a ooperation between industry and art – 1994.
Ø Music
Theatre at the concentration camp of Terezín by the example of the composer
Viktor Ullmann and its significance for our time – 1994.
Ø The
Emperor of Atlantis - Lecture for CINARS 1994 in Montreal – 1994.
Ø About
the Open Form of Theatrical Art of Theatre - Lecture about the new opera house
in Linz – 1996.
Ø Memories
and present, music and language, original and draft – 1996.
Ø Music,
Theatre, Dance in Austria - Lecture for CINARS 1996 in Montreal – 1996.
Ø Art
crossing Boarders 1997.
Ø For
years, the mirror is imposed! About the correspondences of cultural behavior –
Ø The
Art of Dialogue – 1998.
Ø Memory
as a mirror of ideology – 2000.
Ø WorldWideWeb
- Reality - Tool - Interaction – 2000.
Ø That
there is this attempt of political change in the world definitely – 2004.
Ø Victim
myth Austria – 2005.
Ø The
Rescue of to be forgotten! - The correspondence between the Austrian-Jewish
philosopher Wilhelm Jerusalem and the American deafblind author Helen Keller –
Ø Crossing
the Boarders - Das Zeichen 22- 1992
Ø Plurality
instead of Uniformity (Klagenfurt on other tracks) – 1996.
Ø Tracks
to Victor Ullmann with essays written by Viktor Ullmann, Herbert Thomas Mandl,
Dževad Karahasan, Ingo Schultz and Herbert Gantschacher, 1998
Ø Forms
of life 1999
Ø The
Mirror of History - The Past as Ideology – 2000.
Ø Co-Editor
of The Unifying Aspects of Cultures – 2004.
Carry the Flag or War = daDa – 2006
Ø Witness
and Victim of the Apocalypse 2007/2008
Ø From
the Austrian-Hungarian Wehrmacht to the German Wehrmacht – 2009.
Ø Forward,
Don`t Forget! in Dirty Bucket K...2013
Ø Disconnected
- Kein Anschluß by Willy Conley. 2000
Ø On
the edge of the desert by Dževad Karahasan. 2003
Ø Banquet
by Dževad Karahasan. 2005
Ø The
Universal Drum - Trommeln allerorts by Willy Conley. 2011
Ø Strike
Against The War! by Helen Keller. 2013-2014
Ø Agnus
Dei draft of a libretto based on a story by Francisco Tanzer, 1987
Ø The
Couple (in cooperation with Francisco Tanzer) 1987/1988
Ø Late
Afternoon in Paradise- 1992.
Ø The
Language in Space – 1994.
Ø Rehearsals
on Dialogues – 1996.
Ø 19182338
- The number You have called is disconnected – 1998.
Can See Something You Cannot See – 2000.
Ø Chronicle
1933-1945 – 2000.
Ø Snow
and Death. Dramatization of the novel The Ring of Shahrijar by Dževad Karahasan
- 2002
Ø The
Death of Empedocles. Dramatization of the Fragments written by Friedrich
Hölderlin - 2005
Ø Banquet.
Transmission of the Librettos of Dževad Karahasan
from the Bosnian Language – 2005.
First Step – 2008.
Ø Wilhelm
Jerusalem – Helen Keller – Letters - 2008
Ø Heaven
on Earth - 2012
Ø *Pig
Alm - 2013
Ø Viktor
Ullmann - Way to the Front 1917.
Ø Spuren
nach Theresiestadt - Tracks to Terezín.
Ø The
Emperor of Atlantis or The Disobedience of Death
Ø Christian
Martin Fuchs: The Trip into the Dream – 1992.
Ø Burgis
Paier: Love is no Tomato Juice! – 1993.
Ø Dževad
Karahasan: About the Exile in an Open Society – 1994.
Ø Dževad
Karahasan: Speech for the award of the Bruno Kreisky Award – 1995.
Ø Alfred
Goubran: Music for eyes and ears – 1995.
Ø Dominik
Maringer: Music in Tanzenberg - 1996.
Ø Jean-Jacques
van Vlasselaer: The Emperor of Atlantis – 1996.
Ø Theatre
Crossin Borders: 'The Emperor of Atlantis'. First production of the CD and
Premiere at Terezín – 1996.
Ø Johannes
Birringer: Media & performance:
along the border – 1998.
Ø Michael
Ausserwinkler: Speech for the Culture Awards 1998
Ø Beate
Scholz: Delicatessen! – 1999.
Ø Carolin
Walker The Project Kar in: Thomas Heinze Arts Funding: Sponsoring - Fundraising
- Public-Private-Partnership - 1999.
Ø Gerhard
Ruiss: Spent commitments – 1999.
Ø Guido
Fackler: Voice of the camp - Music in Concentration Camps – 2000.
Ø Hans-Günter
Klein: Live in the moment, live in eternity. The lectures of the symposium of
the 100th Birthday of Viktor Ullmann - 2000.
Ø Alf
Krauliz, Marion Mauthe, Lukas Beck: Rooms
on the move – 10 years Donaufestival. 2002. Herbert Arlt: Trans:
documentation of a cultural polylog test in the WWW – 2002.
Ø Michal
Caban, Šimon Caban, Jan Dvořák: Baletní jednotka Křeč – 2003.
Ø Elena
Makarova, Sergei Makarov, Victor Kuperman: University Over the Abyss, The story
behind 520 lecturers and 2,430 lectures in KZ Theresienstadt 1942-1944 – 2004.
Ø Jan
Vičar: IMPRINTS Essays on Czech Music and Aesthetics – 2005.
Ø Eva
Zwick: Hearing. 'Hearing Rooms' in Deaf Theatre - 2007
Ø Dario
Oliveri Musica e cultura nel ghetto di Theresienstadt – 2008.
Ø Jana
Unuk: The Vilenica 2010 Prize Winner Dževad Karahasan, pages 9, 13, 17, 2010