Alexander Lernet-Holenia
Alexander Lernet-Holenia was born in the year 1917; he died in the year 1974. He was an Austrian poet, novelist, dramaturgist and the writ...
Alexander Lernet-Holenia was born in the year 1917; he died in the year
1974. He was an Austrian poet, novelist, dramaturgist and the writer of
screenplays and historical studies. He manufactured heterogeneous literary opus
that included poesy, psychological novels telling the
interference of ghostly or illusory experiences into realism, and recreational

source of picture:
Ø Kleist
Prize (1926)
Ø Goethe
Prize of the city of Bremen (1927)
Ø City
of Vienna Prize for Literature (1951)
Ø Great
Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Großes Verdienstkreuz) (1958)
Ø Grand
Austrian State Prize for Literature (1961)
Ø Gold
Medal of the capital Vienna (1967)
Ø Austrian
Decoration for Science and Art (1968)
park in Vienna's Hernals district was named after Lernet-Holenia on 24
September 1999
Ø Pastorale (1921)
Ø Kanzonnair (1923)
Ø Ollapotrida (1926)
Ø Szene als Einleitung zu einer Totenfeier für Rainer
Maria Rilke (1927)
Ø Gelegenheit macht Liebe
Ø Die Abenteuer eines jungen Herrn in Polen
Ø Jo und der Herr zu Pferde
Ø Ich war Jack Mortimer (1933)
Ø Die Standarte (1934)
Ø Der Baron Bagge (1936)
Ø Die Auferstehung des Maltravers
Ø Der Mann im Hut (1937)
Ø Mars im Widder (Mars in Aries)
Ø Beide Sizilien (1942)
Ø Germanien (1946)
Ø Der zwanzigste Juli (1947)
Ø An klingenden Ufern (1948)
Ø Der Graf von Saint Germain
Ø Der Graf Luna (1955)
Ø Die vertauschten Briefe
Ø Prinz Eugen (1960)
Ø Das Halsband der Königin
Ø Die weiße Dame (1965)
Ø Die Thronprätendenten (1965)
Ø Pilatus. Ein Komplex (1967)
Ø Die Hexen (1969)
Ø Die Beschwörung (1974)
Ø Mona Lisa, by Alexander