Silvino Vidal
Silvino Vidal was born on the 21 st March 1850 in Portugal; he died on the 9 th August 1937 in Brazil. He was a Portuguese-Brazilian wri...
Silvino Vidal was born on the 21st March 1850 in Portugal; he
died on the 9th August 1937 in Brazil. He was a Portuguese-Brazilian
source of picture:
After the death of his mother, he moved to Porto
Alegre with the sister and the father and it was there that he published his
first poem in the newspaper of the country called Album Semanal.
Silvino Vidal wrote for many publications of the country like Álbum
Semanal, O Mosquito, Diabrete, Eco do Sul and Diário de Rio Grande. He was a
member of the Partenon Literário.
Ø Margaridas
Ø Aquarelas
Ø Dutra
& Cia.