Carlos Alberto Daniel LópezPuccio was born on the 9th October
1946, in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. He is a multi-instrumentalist musician
of the country. He is also an orchestral and choral conductor; he is also a
composer and an arranger and one of the current members of the Les Luthier in
the country.
source of picture:
After finishing from
the Orchestral conducting located in La Plata, Carlos Alberto was hired by the Les Luthiers to play the musical
instrument called Fiddlecan, and prominently learnt the repertoire in two days.
For the next season, he began a partnership in the art of music writing with
Jorge Maronna and together they wrote 'Pieza en Forma de Tango'; Carlos Albertoalso composed
'VoglioEntrarePer la Finestra with libretto.
In the first year he
spent with the Les Luthiers, Carlos
Alberto played other musical instruments like cello, the viola and also the
percussion instrument and he usually gave the backup vocals.
He is the man that composed all the music for many of the group’s pieces
including the 'Concierto de Mpkstroff' and 'Brotan und
From the year 1979
onward he also played the following musical instruments, the piano, the
synthesizer and the harmonica for many musical pieces, especially since the
group was left by Ernesto Acher, and they began to more often add the
electronic keyboard.
Carlos Alberto became more and more actor in the movie of the country and
featured in several movies of the country from the 1980s.
Compositions for Les Luthiers
Ø Bolero de Mastropiero (with
Ø Cantata deladelantado Don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras
(with Ernesto Acher and Jorge Maronna).
Ø Concierto de Mpkstroff
(with some input from Núñez).
Ø Marcha de la conquista
(with Maronna&Acher).
Ø Pieza en Forma de Tango
(with Maronna).
Ø Serenata Mariachi (with
Ø Si no fuerasantiagueño
(with Acher, Mundstock&Maronna).
Ø Voglioentrare per la finestra
Backing Vocals:
Ø Añoralgias (post-1986 versions)
Ø Bolero de los celos
Ø Bolero de Mastropiero
Ø Cantata del adelantado Don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras
Ø Cartas de color
Ø Educación sexual moderna
Ø El explicado
Ø El negro quierebailar
Ø Fuga en Si-beria
Ø La gallinadijo eureka
Ø La hija de Escipión
Ø La tanda
Ø La vidaeshermosa
Ø Lazy Daisy
Ø Marcha de la conquista
Ø OiGadóñaya
Ø Romance del jovenconde, la sirena y el pájarocucú.
Y la oveja
Ø San Ictícola de los peces
Ø Si no fuerasantiagueño
Ø Somosadolescentes mi pequeña
Ø Teorema de Thales
Ø Visita a la universidad de Wildstone
Bass guitar:
Ø Bolero de los celos
Ø Cantata del adelantado Don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras
Ø Perdónala
Ø Contraguitarrone da gamba
(hybrid of viola and acoustic guitar):
Bolero de
Mastropiero (1971 version)
Ø Cartas de color
Ø Manuel Darío
Ø Miss Lilly Higgins sings shimmy in Mississippi's
spring (Shimmy)
Ø Pepper Clemens sent the messenger: nevertheless the
reverend left the herd (Ten step) (original versions)
Ø Balada del séptimoregimiento
Ø Cartas de color
Ø Lo que el sheriff se contó
Ø Manuel Darío
Ø Sólonecesitamos
Ø La tanda
Ø Concierto de Mpkstroff
Ø El asesinomisterioso
Ø Marcha de la conquista
Ø San Ictícola de los peces
Ø Latín (violin made of a
tin can):
Ø Canciónparamoverse
Ø Concierto de Mpkstroff
(non-symphonic versions)
Ø Cuarteto op. 44
Ø El beso de Ariadna
Ø Encuentro en el restaurante
Ø Enteteniciencia familiar
Ø Iniciación a lasartesmarciales
Ø La bella y graciosamoza
Ø La hora de la nostalgia
Ø La vidaeshermosa
Ø Para Elisabeth
Ø Pepper Clemens sent the messenger: nevertheless the
reverend left the herd (Ten step) (post-Acher
Ø Pieza en forma de tango
Ø Serenatamedio oriental
Ø Serenatatímida
Ø Sinfoniainterrumpida
Ø Sonatas paralatín y piano
Ø Unacanciónregia
Ø Veaestanoche
Ø Visita a la universidad de Wildstone
Latin Bass-Drum:
Ø El regreso del indio
Ø El valor de la unidad
Latin Percussion:
Ø Cantata del adelantado Don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras
Lead Vocals:
Ø Bolero de los celos (one verse)
Ø Educación sexual moderna
(one verse)
Ø El poeta y el eco (with Jorge Maronna)
Ø El regreso del indio (ending)
Ø El valor de la unidad (part)
Ø La vidaeshermosa (part)
Ø Los jóvenes de hoy en día
(with Jorge Maronna)
Ø Sólonecesitamos (with Jorge Maronna)
Ø Unacanciónregia (with Jorge Maronna)
Ø Cartas de color
Ø La redención del vampiro
Ø Cantata del adelantado Don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras
(post-Acher versions)
Ø La campanasuonerà
Ø Las majas del bergantín
('81 and '86 versions)
Ø Pepper Clemens sent the messenger: nevertheless the
reverend left the herd (Ten step) (post-Acher
Special Effects:
Ø El asesinomisterioso (shoe-steps,
Ø A la playa con Mariana
Ø Daniel y el Señor
Ø El sendero de Warren Sánchez
Ø Fly Airways
Ø Fronteras de la ciencia
Ø Homenaje a Huesito Williams
Ø La hija de Escipión
Ø La hora de la nostalgia
Ø Serenataintimidatoria
Ø El asesinomisterioso
Ø La princesacaprichosa