Tahar Ouettar
Tahar Ouettar was born in the year 1936; he died on the 12 th August 2010. He is an Algerian writer. Tahar Ouettar was referred to as one...

Tahar Ouettar was born in the year 1936; he died on the 12th
August 2010. He is an Algerian writer. Tahar Ouettar was referred to as one of
the most prolific Arabic language writers in the North Africa.
source of picture: www.elkhabar.com
Tahar Ouettar was born into the family of Sedrata, he was the supporter
of the arabization in the wake of the independence of the country. The reason
for his project as he said once was to liberate the identity of the country to
make it Arab-Berber Islamic country. Tahar Ouettar rejected the Algeria’s
French-language writer as vestiges of colonialism in the country.