Rashid Boudjedra
Rashid Boudjedra was born on the 5 th September 1941 in Ain Beida, Algeria. He is an Algerian poet, critic, novelist and a playwright. Ra...

Rashid Boudjedra was born on the 5th September 1941 in Ain
Beida, Algeria. He is an Algerian poet, critic, novelist and a playwright.
Rashid Boudjedra wrote in the French language from the year 1965 to the year
1981, at which point he made a move to the writing with the Arabic language,
and he often translated his own works forth and back between these two
source of picture: thetanjara.blogspot.com
Rashid Boudjedra went back to writing with the use of the French language
in the year 1992 and has been writing with the language ever since then.
Rashid Boudjedra was educated in Constantine and in Tunis at the College
of Sadiki and later fought for the FLN at the time of the Algerian War of
Independence. He got his degree in Philosophy from Sorbonne, and that was the
place he wrote a thesis on Celine. When he got his degree, he went back to his
country to teach, but he got sentenced to two years imprisonment for the
criticism he gave to the government of the country and was sent on an exile to
Blida. He lived in France from the year 1969 to the year 1972 and then he
relocated to Rabat, Morocco and stayed there until the year 1975.
Rashid Boudjedra’s fiction stories were written in hard to understand,
complex pattern, significant of the Faulkner in its complexity. La Répudiation gained sudden attention to Rashid Boudjedra, both for the strength he applied
in the challenge of the traditional Culture of the Muslim members of the
country and for the great reaction against him.
Rashid Boudjedra was given the award of Prix du Roman Arabe in the year
2010 for his work called Les
Figuiers de Barbarie.
Though the
translation of English language is scarce, two of his works are on the process
of being translated to the English language; Les Figuiers de Barbarie and Les Funérailles.
Ø Pour ne plus rêver, poems with
drawings by Mohammed Khadda, ÉNA, 1965; SNED, 1981.
Ø La Répudiation, Denoël, 1969;
Gallimard Folio, 1981.
Ø La Vie quotidienne en Algérie,
Hachette, 1971.
Ø Naissance du cinéma algérien,
Maspero, 1971.
Ø L'Insolation, Denoël, 1972;
Gallimard Folio, 1987.
Ø Journal Palestinien, Hachette,
Ø L'Escargot entêté, Denoël,
Ø Topographie idéale pour une agression caractérisée,
Denoël, 1975; Gallimard Folio, 1986.
Ø Les 1001 Années de la nostalgie,
Denoël, 1979; Gallimard Folio, 1988.
Ø Le Vainqueur de coupe, Denoël,
1981; Gallimard Folio, 1989.
Ø Extinction de voix, poèmes,
SNED, 1981.
Ø Le Démantèlement, Denoël, 1982.
Ø La Macération, Denoël, 1984.
Ø Greffe, Denoël, 1985.
Ø La Pluie, Denoël, 1987.
Ø La Prise de Gibraltar, Denoël,
Ø Le Désordre des choses,
Denoël, 1991.
Ø Fis de la haine, Denoël, 1992;
Gallimard Folio, 1994.
Ø Timimoun, Denoël, 1994; Gallimard Folio, 1995.
Ø Mines de rien, théâtre, Denoël, 1995.
Ø Lettres algériennes, Grasset,
1995; Le Livre de Poche, 1997.
Ø La Vie à l'endroit, Grasset,
1997; Le Livre de poche 1999.
Ø Fascination, Grasset, 2000; Le
Livre de poche 2002.
Ø Cinq Fragments du désert,
Barzakh, 2001; Éd. de l’Aube, 2002.
Ø Les Funérailles, Grasset, 2003.
Ø Peindre l’Orient, Éd. Zulma, 2003.
Ø Hôtel Saint Georges, Éd. Dar
El-Gharb, 2007.
Ø Les Figuiers de Barbarie,
Grasset, 2010 (Winner of the Prix du Roman Arabe).