Ali Fergani
Ali Fergani was bo0rn on the 21 st September 1952 in Omnaing, France. He was an Algerian international football player. He was an Algeria...
Ali Fergani was bo0rn
on the 21st September 1952 in Omnaing, France. He was an Algerian
international football player. He was an Algerian association football manager.
Currently, he is managing the Algerian A’ National team. He played the role of
a midfielder for the Algerian national team during his days as a footballer.
Fergani played club
football for NA Hussein Dey and for JE Tizi Ouzou. He was with the Algerian
national team that played in the 1980 Summer Olympics. He was also among the
national team of the country that played I n the 1982 FIFA World Cup in Spain.
In the year 1981, Fergani came third in a run for an African footballer of the
year award.

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When he retired from
active football, he was selected to be the manager of the Algerian national
football team and also the coach of his former club, JS Kabylie. The managerial
profession of Fergani started well as he won the 1990 African Cup of Nations
for the country in his homeland. He was also selected to be the national team
coach of the country in the year 1995, though he was sacked after a year of management,
when he lost to Kenya.
After leaving the
national team of the country, he coached many Tunisian clubs including Club
Athletic Bizertin, Stade Tunisein, Union Sportive Monastir and some other teams
in Tunisia.
After Robert Waseige
had resigned as the national team coach of the country, Fergani was appointed
to be the national team coach of the country again.