Soca Music of Virgin Isand
The Virgin Islands has been a place for a number of popular soca ensembles. Among the eldest and most respected were Imaginations Brass ...
Virgin Islands has been a place for a number of popular soca ensembles. Among
the eldest and most respected were Imaginations Brass & Eddie & the
Movement (later called Awesome JamBand), Milo & the Kings and Mandingo

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Jam band which were formerly Eddie & the Movement were 20 times Road march
Champions. The initial Jam ensemble slowed up with the death of the ensemble’s
major front man Nick Daddy Friday who died in the year 2005.
enforcements of the ensemble hailed out from Monbijou, St. Croix (many members
branches out to create different ensembles).
Imagination Brass was the initial group to join the use of electronic drums and
keyboard sequencers into their music. They began the movement and other groups
such as the Seventeen Plus and the JamBand which later improved the method.
This demonstrated the full use of the drum machines, electronic keyboards,
choral, and a bass line working together to create a new pattern for the
Caribbean music.
Seventeen Plus (17+); VIO International
Xpress Band; Jam Tyme; UMB Soldiers; Rupsion Band; Spectrum Band (St. Thomas
Carnival three-time Road March Champions); Stylee Band; ; Xpress Band (St.
Croix Festival's 2006-2007 Roadmarch Champions); Starlites; P'your Passion
Band; Xtaushun Band (St. Croix Festival two-time Road March Champions). Fusion Band(St. Croix Festival
four-time Road March Champions); DJATC (Daddy Jones And The Crew); the Jammerz
HP (previously known as JDPP Jammerz); De Fabulous Stroka Band; Hyvoltage Band;
Code 9; and the Xtaushun were other renowned ensembles that who have also
created names for their selves.