Salsa Music of Virgin Island
From the 50s to the current day Milo and the Kings (Emile Francis who is a music director) kept Latin music active, particularly on St. Th...
the 50s to the current day Milo and the Kings (Emile Francis who is a music
director) kept Latin music active, particularly on St. Thomas,. Milo and the
Kings were popular for playing with the notorious ensembles as El Gran Combo
(Rafael lthier who is a music director and Salsa Mastro to Milo), Joe Cuba,
Tito Puerto, Mongo Santa Maria and many others. Currently Milo’s Kings in time
to time attempts to honor Milo with Salsa. In the year 1998 Puerto Rico became
the birthplace of Reggaeton music, a combination of reggae and Latin music
mixed with Spanish Rap & Reggae. Popular reggaeton musician from the Virgin
Islands include Nicky Jam, Panty man, Kamakazi and Nene Ganja.

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