Music Institutions and Festivals in Virgin Island
The two most popular music institutions in the Virgin Island include the following such as Island center (on St. Croix) and the Reichold C...
The two most popular music institutions
in the Virgin Island include the following such as Island center (on St. Croix)
and the Reichold Center (on St. Thomas). Both of these centers create a venue
for shows of western classical music, musical theatre, jazz and international
pop artists. St. Croix is also a place for a public act venue in St. Gerald’s
hall in Frederiksted, where indigenous dance quadrilles and otherwise perform.
The folk Virgin Islander traditional
music festivals were done until the late 50s, and were based around costumed
masquerading. With the arrival of formal festivities based around marches and
festival villages, indigenous traditional customs weakened, substituted by pan-Caribbean
rudiments like calypso moko jumbie stilt dancers and visiting acts from other
There are Virgin Islander institute
that assist and popularize the islands’ traditional custom. Bradley Christian’s
St. Croix Heritage Dancers, for instance, are legend group, one of the several
quadrille bands that offer a compact, staged rendition of traditional customs,
along with education narration.
The music education in the Virgin Islands
is mainly based within the western classical custom, especially instrumental
and show ensemble music. Indigenous traditional music is also part of the music
program; quadrilles are taught in schools in St. Croix, and Charlotte Amalie
High Scholl on St. Thomas is a place to popular student scratch ensemble.