Hip Hop Music of Virgin Island
There are been the improvement of a hip hop scene in the Virgin Islands, particularly on the island of St. Thomas. There is also a flouris...

There are been the improvement of a hip
hop scene in the Virgin Islands, particularly on the island of St. Thomas. There
is also a flourishing hip hop scene among Virgin Islands musicians in the Atlanta
metropolitan region. Popular Virgin Islands hip hop musicians include the
following such as Aaron Da JEDI from St. Croix/Tortola Iyaz from Tortola, Rock
City, verse Simmonds from St. Thomas, Virgin islands, K’Are from Tortola,
British of the CB 4 Lyfe camp who also sometime do solo but still a member of
the CB and the VI centered hip hop orchestra known as Dem Rude Boyz.

source of picture: repeatingislands.com