Kadongo Kamu Music of Uganda
Kadongo Kamu was the initial pattern of famous music to emerge out of the traditional music in Uganda. The term kadondo kamu it is a word ...

Kamu was the initial pattern of famous music to emerge out of the traditional
music in Uganda. The term kadondo kamu it is a word in the Luganda language
which refers to as one guitar. The music is given this name because of the part
played by the bass guitar, which most time it is the solo instrument use in the
making of the music. Possibly the initial popular musician of the genre was
known as Fred Masagazi during in 60s. Masagazi has considered as the Godfather
of kadongo kamu by many. His brand of educative singing won him many supporters
and he is one of the few artists who were involved with Uganda’s independence
in the year 1962. Elly Wamala was another person of the initiators. They were
followed by series of artists who kept true to the pattern and beat of the
music. Herman Basudde was a very famous kadongo kamu artist in the 80s and 90s
too, and also, Berrnard Kabanda. Dan Mugula is one of the few living initiators
of the genre. Fred Sebatta and Paul Kafeero made their impact during in the
90s. Now, the genre is sidelined in favor of more current patterns of music.
But because the music is loved by cultural loyalists in the Buganda area, this
is certain that there will always be a spectator for kadongo kamu.

source of picture: www.hipipo.com