History of Music in Zimbabwe
The music of Zimbabwe comprises of the following, pop patterns and the traditional, much, it based on the popular instruments known as the...

music of Zimbabwe comprises of the following, pop patterns and the traditional,
much, it based on the popular instruments known as the mbira which is also
renowned in many other African countries. An annual Zimbabwe Music Festival
which is held in every year in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Peoples from throughout the world attend this festival and share the experiment
of Zimbabwean music and culture. Famous genres in Zimbabwe include the local
Chimurenga and foreign rumba, rock and roll and the soukous.

source of picture: diasporicroots.tumblr.com
mbira frequently known as a thumb piano is an essential part of the Zimbabwean
music. This is played while in a halved calabash which amplified the tune and
distorts it using shells or bottle caps placed within the edges. However
musicologist, Hugh Tracey assumed that mbira has been in extinction in the near
30s, the instrument has been renewed since the 60s and 70s, and has attained an
international support through the world music scene. Some of the popular mbira
players include the following such as Tute Chigamba,
Wilfred MaAfrica, Albert Chimedza, Hope Ruvimbo
Masike, Hector Rufaro Mugani, Dumisani Maraire, Ephat Mujuru, Forward Kwenda, Stella
Chiweshe, Chartwell Dutiro,
Beauler Dyoko, Cosmas Magaya, Musekiwa
Chingodza, Hakurotwi Mude, Chiwoniso Maraire, and Tendai Gahamadze. Mbira DzeNari is an mbira genre
renowned along the eastern territory of Zimbabwe. The mbira instrument that has
32 keys, far more difficult than other forms of mbira instruments, much is not
known about this kind of mbira. Foreign scholars from the University of
Washington recorded some of the music during the Zimbabwe freedom war in
Zimunya communal lands from popular artists in the region like Chiwanza and
Nyika Musabayana Zimunya. The latter recorded one recognized single at Grama
Records, known as Adzimai garaimwandichema. Other dominating mbira orchestras
include the following such as the Maungira Enharira, MbiralDzenharira and Mbira
Dzechirorodziva. This is also important to state that is almost impossible to
talk about the mbira music without recognizing Thomas Mapfumo (also known as
Mukanya), who music includes a combination of mbira and current instruments.
There is also pop music in Zimbabwe that joins their
local instruments. Though the mbira is generally played as ceremonial music to
call spirits, there are also many who play it in the world-combination music
and get popular radio play and album sales in Zimbabwe and other countries in
Africa. For instance, mbira player such as Chris Berry with his ensemble Panjea
have reached the platinum record sales in Zimbabwe and Mozambique, playing a
pattern of music which is based on the folk mbira beats and songs, but joining
different other instruments and patterns such as dancehall and hip hop.
Zimbabwean artists’ word extremely
contain inspiration of upholding good social values in the family and society
as whole, such words can be found in chants by musicians such as Simon
Chimbetu, Oliver Mtukudzi, Louis Mhlanga, Steve Makoni, John Chibadura and
Bhudu Boys and many others. Also so Thomas Mapfumo, whose words are primarily
political and inspired good leadership and rising against bad Governance, most of
his albums are called after a word referring Uprising of War of Liberation,
Chimurenga. His music has earned him the wrath of the ZANU-PF government which
result the limiting of most of his music on state owned radio and TV. Another
popular artist with striking words is the late System Tazvida of the Chazezesa
Challengers. His words were primarily centered on the subject of Love and this
gave him popularity with chants such as Ukarambwa Usachema, Vanotipedzera
Mashoko, Anodyiwa Haature and Dai Hanzvadzi Yairoorwa. With the advent of Urban
Grooves the words content look like that of American R&B, hip hop and Pop
music which the younger generation listen to. Maskiri is one of the artists
that are known for imitating Eminem’s pattern of controversial words.