Faiz Mohammad Katib
Hazara was born in 1863-63 in Zard Sang village of Qarabagh city in the Ghazni
region of Afghanistan. Faiz spent some part of his life in Nahoor and he died
in Kabul on the 3rd March 1931. He was from the Hazara ethnic group
of the country and was of Mohammad Khuwaja clan. He was a chronicler in the
afghan court; he is also a talented calligrapher and secretary to the Amir
Habib Ullah Khan from the year 1901 to the year 1919. He was a popular writer,
historian and an intellectual, among the renowned group of the people of the country
that are seeking political and social changes in the country at the starting
part of the 20th century, and this shaped the early regional
politics of the country to Morocco and so any of the people from the country
opine that the government should name him to be the father of Afghanistan
History. He was a member of The Constitution Movement.
source of picture: turklar.com
Early Life
Faiz spent his youth
age in Qarabah, he became a teacher and taught in Arabic and the Koran by the
local mullahs, he and his family moved to Nawur and because of the sectarian
strife they relocated to the Qandahar in the year 1880. He left Qandahar in the
year 1887 for a year’s travel that landed him to Lahore and Peshawar, and there
he spent some time studying the English language and the Urdu language. He
travelled to Jalalabad and was given an invitation to join the administration
of the Amir of the country, Abdur Rahman Khan.
Soon Faiz was fixed
to the entourage of the eldest son of the Amir, Habib Ullah Khan, at the
recommendation of one of his teachers, Mullah Sarwar Ishaq’zai. A manuscript
that dated 29 Rajab 1311/5 February 1894 is attributed to him, and that places
him in Jalalabad at that time. In 1314/1896, when the younger brother to Habib
Ullah, Nasr Ullah Khanvbisited England on a state visit, Habib assign Faiz to
copy and post in the Charsuq, the main market place of Kabul, the detailed
letter sent back to Nasr Ulla showing all the activities, so the ‘noble and the
ordinary people would be appraised of the integrity and respect that the
English were giving to him’.
At the time of Habib
Ullah’s leadership, Faiz was included, if just incidentally, with the Young
Afghan Movement that was led by Mahmud Baig Tarzi. He is reported to have been
involved with the publication of Tarzi’s reformist journal, Siraj al-akbar and
other three journals; Aina-ye
Irfan, Anis, and Ḥayy alal-falah.after the killing of the patron in 1337/1919, Faiz
served for a time at the Ministry of Education on the revision of textbook.
Later, he was selected to be a teacher at the Habibiva Laycee in Kabul.
Under the leadership
of Aman Ullah Khan, in 1919-29, the Iranian minister in Kabul, Mahdi Farrokh
Sayyed gathered a ‘who is who’ of the modern leaders of the country. His make
up about Faiz showed that he is a devout Shi’ite that is greatly recognized by
the Qizilbash community of Kabul in the country and also the leader among his
people, the Hazaras and also a crucial spring of information for the Persian
mission about what was happening in the capital.
In the year 1929, the
Tajik outlaw, Habib Ullah Kalakani, who is historically called Bacha ye Saqqao,
ousted Aman Ullah Khan and took over the control of Kabul for nine goo months.
During this uprising, Faiz who spent the whole time inside the city, retained a
journal that was the basis for an uncompleted monograph that is named Kitab-e
Tadakoor-e Enqilab that started immediately after the fall of Bacha ye Saqqao.
At the time of the
occupation, Faiz was made to take part in a delegation that was sent by
Kalakani against his will to negotiate with the groups of Hazara opposing the
leadership of the Tajik. According to his account, he succeeded to subvert the
plans of Kalakani and made the mission to flop. Meanwhile, he and the leaders
of the mission, Noor al-Din Agha, a Qizilbash Shiʿite who are from Kabul
paid a big price for the failure; the both of them were condemned to death by
beating. Only Faiz survived this as he was saved by a colleague.
Faiz is popular for
his book on the history of his country. At the time of the reign of Habib
Ullah, he accepted two commissions to write an understandable history of the
country that will cover the activities from the period of Ahmad Shah down to
the leadership period of Habib Ullah Khan. The fist he wrote was the history of
the country, which he called ‘Tohfat
ul-Habib’ in respect of the Amir. But habib did not take the work as a good one
and ordered Faiz start the work again. The revised version of the book is the
three-volume history of the history of the country which was named, ‘Siraj
al-Tawarikh’; a reference to the honorific ‘Lamp of the Nation and Religion’ of
the Amir. They encountered some difficvulties in publishing the work, with the
third work not completely printed. It is believed that the process of
publishing the third volume of the book lasted for many years and stopped with
the death of Habib Ullah Khan. Some people said that the publication of the
third volume of the book halted at the page 1,240 for unknown reasons. The
successor of Habib Ullah Khan, Aman Ullah Khan was formally interested in the
work and typesetting continued in the 1920s, but when the Amir went through the
material in it on the Anglo-Afghan relations, he reportedly altered his mind
and made an order that the incomplete copies of the books should be taken out
of the press and burned. Not minding the reaction of the Amir, Faiz continued
with his chronicle. The manuscript on the volume three of the work is generally
believed to have been finished and the autograph of the work has been
reportedly deposited to the archives of the country by the son of Faiz
Apart from this work,
there are other works that have been written by Faiz, and they include;
- Tuhfatul Habib'
Afghan History (1747–1880), in two volumes. (The original script,
hand-written by Faiz Mohammed, exists in the National Archive in Kabul)
- Tazkeratul Enqilaab
accounts of the days of Habibullah, Bacha-e Saqaw
- History of Ancient Prophets/Rulers,
from Adam to Jesus
- Hidāyat-i
kisht-i gul-hā va qalamah-hā va ḥubūbāt va ghayrah
- Jughrāfiyā-yi
ṭabʻī va Afrīqā
- Tarikh-e Hokama-ye Motaqaddem,
compiled while he was working at the Ministry of Education;
- Fayz al-Foyuzat,
a fragment of which, called Afghan
treaties and agreements (ʿahd wa misaq-e afghan) was
published in Sayyed Mahdi Farrokh’s
Tarikh-e Siasi-ye Afghanistan
(Tehran, 1314 Š./1935) and which, in tune with the times, was a sharp
critique of the Abdul Rahman’s relations with the British;
- Faqarat-e Sharʿiya, which is not
known to have survived; and
- Nasab-nama-ye Tawaʾef-e afghena wa taʿaddod-e nofus-e ishan,
also known as Nijhad-nama-ye
Afghan, a description of Afghan tribes and non-Afghans residing in
Afghanistan. The Nijhad-nama
was published in Persia in 1933 from a manuscript thought to be the
autograph and held in the Kitab
Khana-ye Milli-ye Malik in Tehran.
Among the works he is believed to have
copied is a 230 folio collection of farmans, which was issued by Mughal ruler
Aurangzed (1068-1118/1658-1707) that he finished in Jalalabad in 1312/1894; the
divan of Sehab-e Torshizi, which is a late 18th century poet
originating from Herat and Risala-ye fiuz, which is a dissertation on
In the later part of the 20th
century, Robert D. McChesney, an American student, made an extensive research
on the written works and life of Faiz Mohammad. He also published a translated
of Tazkeratul Enqilaab’s with the title ‘Kabul
under siege: Faiz Muhammad's account of the 1929 Uprising’.