Abdul Hamid Bahij
Dr. Abdul Hamid Bahij is a medical doctor, a writer, a translator and a dictionary writer from Afghanistan. source of picture: en.wiki...
Dr. Abdul Hamid Bahij
is a medical doctor, a writer, a translator and a dictionary writer from
source of picture: en.wikipedia.org
Early Life
Abdul was born on the
6th March, 1979 in the Bedmushk village, the Jaghato town of the
region of Wardak in Afghanistan. He is
the son of Ghulam Habib and the grandson of Khoshdil
Abdul got his primary
and secondary education in the city of Peshawar. He finished his higher
education in the Kabul Medical University. He got his doctor from the university
in the year 2006. Abdul is presently busy with his learning of the German
language in the Institute of Goethe.
Abdul’s dictionary
that contains 17,000 Pashto word translated into English language is published
by the Danish Publishing Association in the year 2008 and was republished in
the year 2009.
Published Works
Abdul has published
about 22 books and 5 of the book that he published are dictionaries. The
following list is some of the book that he published with the Danish Publishing
Political Dictionary is a Political English-Pashto
dictionary of 410/411 pages and is published in year 2005.
Philosophical Dictionary is an English-Pashto philosophical
dictionary of 323 pages and is published in the year 2005.
Medical Dictionary is a medical English-Pashto dictionary
of 1206 pages and is published in the year 2006.
Terminology, 360 pages.
Da baran pa
zhaba (on rains language), based on speeches of Jabrankhel
and Physical Science, for twelfth class.
for eleventh class
for eleventh class.
Dr. Abdul Hamid Bahij and the Academy
of Sciences of Afghanistan 2008. Pashto-English
Dictionary. Kabul: Danish Publishing Association. With over 150
thousands (150000) words.
English-Pashto Dictionary, 380 pages and published in year 2008.