Roots/Reggae/Dub Music of New Zealand
Roots/reggae/dub was established in 1979, Herbs were a New Zealand reggae vocal group and the 11 th inductee into the New Zealand music h...
was established in 1979, Herbs were a New Zealand reggae vocal group and the 11th
inductee into the New Zealand music hall of popularity. In 1986, the song Slice
of Heaven with Dave Dobbyn became the one on both the Australian and New
Zealand charts. In 1989, Tim Finn joined the Parihaka festival and in 1992,
Anniie Crummer bordered the hit single known as See What Love Can Do. Herbs
were considered prominent of the Pacific reggae sound, having surfaced the way
for the current New Zealand reggae groups such as Fat Freddy’s Drop, The Black
Seeds, Breaks Co-op Trinity Roots, Kora and Katchafire

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