Rock and other Genres of Music in Portugal
The rock in Portugal was introduced in the 80s of the 20 th century. Its innovators were Jorge Palma, Rui Veloso among others. An instanc...
The rock in Portugal was introduced in the 80s of the 20th
century. Its innovators were Jorge Palma, Rui Veloso among others. An instance
of a renowned Portuguese rock ensemble, having a long record is known as Xutos
& Pontapes who have been playing for more than 30 years and are known
generally all over Portugal, as well as Mao Morta, a distinctive and
provocative orchestra with 25 years of existence. Popular solo singers like Rui
Veloso, Pedro Abrunhosa and Jorge Palma. Cla (pop rock), Blasted Mechanism
(experimental electro-rock), Mazgani (alterantive) or Green Echo (experimental
dub), Ornatos Violeta (indie rock), faithfull (soft rock), Riding Panjco (post rock),
Suspiria Franklyn (punk-rock/new wave), peixe: aviao (post-rock), Linda Martini
(post/noise rock), Stereo Parks (indie rock), A Book in the Shelf (grunge
rock), Decreto 77, (punk rock) were other important acts.