Indie rock music of Netherlands
Indie rock band known as Bettie Serveert was formed in the 90s and the independent record label Excelsior Recordings produced albums of Du...
rock band known as Bettie Serveert was formed in the 90s and the independent
record label Excelsior Recordings produced albums of Dutch indie rock band such
as Alamo Race Track, Spinvis, Caesar, Ghost Trucker, Bauer, Gem, zZz,
Dartll-Ann and many others. After 2000 Voicst was established and it became
well-known after a beer commercial hit single for Heineken. After leaving Zoppo
and creating Avec-A musician known as Yuri Landman gained the international
attention as an experimental luthier for renowned experimental rock ensembles.
Dutch noise rock acts include The Moi Non Plus, Gone Bald, The Ex, Adept,
Feverdream and Bonee aparte. Post rock include we vs Death, Electro punk such
as Aux Raus. In Netherlands the Indie music scene is primarily present in
Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Groningen, The Hague and Utrecht. A cross media stage
known as Subbacultcha hosts nights in scenes where many international touring
avant-garde rock ensembles such as Enon, Mahjongg, Health, Miracle Fortress,
Pre and These are Powers performs as well as local indie and noise rock acts such as Bonne Aparte, The Moj Non
Plus, Adept, Pfaff and Hospital Bombers. A musical magazine was produced by
Subbacultcha with the in-depth interviews with the touring ensembles and
arranges instant recording meetings in a studio in the Vondelparl with those
bands. An annual festival that takes place in Hague is known as State-X New
Forms do happen in Paard van Troje.