Drum and Bass Music of New Zealand
The drum and bass became renowned in New Zealand during the 80s. it was sponsored by the British acts and the local prominent like Riddle,...

drum and bass became renowned in New Zealand during the 80s. it was sponsored
by the British acts and the local prominent like Riddle, Jay Bulletproof and
Geoff Presha, and the drum and bass
clubs include Herzog, the Box and Fu in Auckland soon attracted a devoted

source of picture: www.kmag.co.uk
New Zealand drum and bass scene was sponsored by the modern defunct Real Groove
magazine and grew in fame with outdoor New Year’s Eve festival such as Phat and
Alpine Unity.
90s a number of independent labels began to produce electronica which include
Chris Chetland’s Kog Transmission, Loop Recordings, Simon Flowers Nurture
Records and prominently Joost Langeveld’s reliable Records. Other musicians
include Soane, Stephen Hill, Roger Perry, Greg Churchill and Rob Salmon has
found achievement with offshore labels.
Dub, Optimus Gryme, pitch Black, bulletproof, Tiki Taane, Concord Dawn and
Shapeshifter were all had international achievement.