Corridor Music of Mexico
Corridor music is a renowned narrative song of poetry type and ballad. Different themes are featured in Mexican corridor and corridor lyri...
music is a renowned narrative song of poetry type and ballad. Different themes
are featured in Mexican corridor and corridor lyrics which are often old legend
stories and ballad which is a popularized criminal or hero in the rural border
regions of Mexico. Some of the corridor song is also a love stories and there
is also corridos for men and women. Some of the corridor talks about fiction or
it consist of story by the composer. Current corridos written within the past
few periods feature more new themes as drug trafficking (narcorridos), migrant
labour, immigration and also Chupacabra.
Cucaracha is one of the common examples that came from an Arabic sailor’s song
from the Moores prior the Reconquista. Corrido has a rhythm that is similar
with the European waltz; corridor like rancheras have initial instrumental
music and adornos also interrupting the stanzas of the lyrics.
unlike the rancheras, the rhythm of the corridor remains fairly steady while
rancheas can be played at collection of rhythms, corridos is all about telling
stories while rancheras are for dancing.