Contemporary Classical music of Poland
During the wars, an orchestra of composers initiated the Association of Young Polish Musicians; they include Tadeusz Szeligowski, Michal S...
the wars, an orchestra of composers initiated the Association of Young Polish
Musicians; they include Tadeusz Szeligowski, Michal Spisak, Grazyna Bacewicz
and Zygmunt Mycielski.
the World War II, some of the composers like Andrzej Panufnik and Roman
Palester fled the country and they remained in exile. During the early 60s,
though, a series of composers called Polish Composers’ school appeared, and
illustrate the use of sonorism and dodecaphonism. The pattern arose from the
political crisis in 1956, following Stalin’s death; in that same year saw the
Warsaw Autummnmusic festival launched and it became an added fame for the
Polish composers’ School. Some of the composers include Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki,
Kazimierz Serocki, Tadeusz Baird, Kotonski Wlodzimierz, Kryzysztof Penderecki,
Boguslaw Schaeffer, Witold Szalonek, Witold Lutoslawski, Kazimierz Serocki and Wojcjech
Zubel, Krzesimir Debski, Krzysztof Meyer, Hanna Kulenty, Pawel Szymanski, Pawel
Mykietyn and Eugeniusz Knapik were the new composers.