Rock Music of Greenland
The Greenlandic rock and pop started in earnest in the year 1973, when ULO produced the band Sume’s Simut, it was purchased by an estimate...
Greenlandic rock and pop started in earnest in the year 1973, when ULO produced
the band Sume’s Simut, it was purchased by an estimated 20 percent of
Greenland’s total populace and alone kick-started the indigenous rock scene by
uniquely singing in the Greenlandic language and using elements of folk drum
dances in the music. The singer Rasmus Lyberth did the most to declined
Greenlandic music by performing for simple entertainment rather than
functionality, indeed, he took part in the Danish pre-selection for the 1979
Eurovision song competition, performing in Greenlandic. Other indigenous
performers of note include Ole Kristiansen and G-60. The 1980s saw Greenland
become home to a series of bands motivated by Jamaican reggae and African
American funk, like Aalut and Zikka. The
current Greenland is home to the annual Nipiaa rock festival, held in Aasiaat,
and performers such as throat singer Sylvia Watt-Cloutier, Chilly Friday and
Karina Moller.

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popular current rock bands include Siisisoq, Kalaat, Pukuut, Angu Motzfeldt,
X-it, Nanook, Fiassuit, Small Time Giants and UltimaCorsa.