Guitar-Bands of Ghana in the ‘30s, 40s, 50s and 60s’
In the 1930s, Sam’s Trio, led by Jacob Sam, was the most powerful high-life guitar bands. Thgeir Yaa Amponsah, three versions of which wer...
the 1930s, Sam’s Trio, led by Jacob Sam, was the most powerful high-life guitar
bands. Thgeir Yaa Amponsah, three versions of which were recorded in the year
1982 for Zonophone, was a major hit that remains a famous staple of several
high-life bands. The next major guitar band leader was the E.K Nyame, who sang
in Twi. Nyame also added the double and more elements of the western hemisphere,
which include the Cuban music and the jazz on the recommendation of his
producer and manager E. Newman-Adjiri. In the 1960s dance high-life was more
famous than the guitar band high-life; most of the guitar bands started using
the electric until a roots revival in the mid-1970s.
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