Patayani thappu: India musical instrument
The patayani thappu is an Indian frame drum that has a wooden rim, which is covered with leather on one side. The musical instrument is pl...
The patayani thappu is an Indian
frame drum that has a wooden rim, which is covered with leather on one side.
The musical instrument is played with the hands by the player, as opposed to
parai thappu that is played with the use of sticks. The thappu is used in the
ritual art of Kerala called padayani, in which the musical drum accompanies
stylized dance movements and gives percussive music in a rhythmic group. Some
of the rhythmic patterns performed are the Champa, Kaarika,
Kumba, Adantha and Marma. In
the devotional music, the musical instrument is often accompanied by the
traditional cymbals called elathalam.
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