Mohan veena: India musical instrument
Then mohan veena is a stringed musical instrument that is used in the Indian classical music. The musical instrument derives its name from...
Then mohan veena is a stringed
musical instrument that is used in the Indian classical music. The musical
instrument derives its name from the inventor, the Grammy Award winning Pandit
Vishwa Mohan Bhatt who lives in Jaipur India.
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The musical instrument is actually a
modified Arch top guitar and made up of 20 strings; three melody strings, 5
drone strings strung to the peg head of the instrument, and 12 sympathetic
strings strung to the tuners mounted on the side of the instrument’s neck. A
gourd is screwed into the back of the instrument’s neck for improved timbre and
vibration. The musical instrument is held in the lap like the slide guitar. The
mohan veena is under incredible tension.