Esraj: India musical instrument
The esraj is a string musical instrument found in two different forms throughout the north, east and central regions of India. This is a y...
The esraj is a string musical
instrument found in two different forms throughout the north, east and central
regions of India. This is a young musical instrument by Indian terms, being
just about 200 years old. The dilruba is seen in the northern region of the
country, where it is used in religious music and light classical music in the
urban regions. The name of the instrument is translated as robber of the heat,
the esraj is seen in the eastern and central region of the country, especially
Bengal and the instrument is used in wider variety of musical genre than the
source of picture:
The dilruba originates from the taus and some
debate is the work of the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, like that of
the Taus was the work of Guru Hargobind. The musical instrument was then
manufactured to replace the former heavy instrument, the taus. This attempt was
meant to scale down the weight of the taus into what is now called dilruba.
This made it more convenient for the Sikh to carry the musical instrument on
the horseback.
The structures of
both musical instruments are analogous, each having a medium sized neck like
that of the sitar, with twenty metal frets. The neck of the musical instrument
holds on a long wooden rack of about 12 to 15 sympathetic strings. While the
dilruba has more sympathetic strings and an inversely shaped body than the
esraj, they both have 4 main strings which are bowed. All strings of the
musical instruments are metal. The soundboard of the instruments is a spread
piece of goatskin analogous to what is seen on the sarangi. The instrument
sometimes has a gourd attached to the top for balance or for tone enhancement.
The musical
instrument can be rested the knees of the player who kneels down or could be
made to rest on the knee of the player who is sitting down, with the neck of
the instrument leaning on the shoulder of the player. The musical instrument is
performed with the use of a bow, with the other hand of the player moving along
the strings above the frets of the instrument. The player of the musical
instrument may slide the note up or down to gain the portamento, or meend, characteristic
of the Indian music.
The musical
instrument is mostly used as an accompaniment musical instrument of choice for
Rabindra Sangeet singing. Meanwhile, the esraj also has been used as a solo
musical instrument to interpret Hindustani classical music, mainly in the
Vishnupur tradition. The musical instrument is a more modern invention than the
dilruba that was fabricated and promoted by the Namdharis.
The two musical
instruments had been declining in popularity for many years. By the 1980s, the
musical instrument was almost discarded. Meanwhile, with the rising influence
of the Gurmat Sangeet movement, these two instruments are once again gaining
the attention of many people.