Imperial court music of Vietnam
Nha nhac is the very renowned type of imperial court music, specifically meaning to the court music played from the Tran Dynasty to the ex...
nhac is the very renowned type of imperial court music, specifically meaning to
the court music played from the Tran Dynasty to the extreme last Nguyen Dynasty
of Vietnam, being accorded and most extremely established by the Nguyen
emperors. Couple with nha nhac, the imperial court of Vietnam during in the 19th
century also had numerous royal dances which is still in existence till now.
Most of all these themes are to wish the king long life and the country wealth.
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classical music is also done in the honor of the gods and researchers such as
Confucius in the temples. These groups are described as the Nha Nhac (elegant
music, ritual and ceremonial music), Dai nhac (which is a great music), and
Tieu nhac (which is a small music) that was chamber music that is performed for
the king. In Vietnamese folk dance court dances were described as either van vu
(which means the civil servant dance) or vo vu (military dance).