Classical Music of United Kingdom
The musical composition, act and learning in the United Kingdom inherited the European classical customs of the 18 th century (in the Bri...
musical composition, act and learning in the United Kingdom inherited the
European classical customs of the 18th century (in the British, for
instance of Handel) and mark a great growth during in the 19th
century. The Romantic nationalism inspired the clear national uniqueness and
responsiveness around the countries of the United Kingdom towards the end of
the 19th century, producing numerous composers and artists of note
and drawing on the traditional custom. These customs include the ethnicity
strands drawn from the United Kingdom’s constituents national and areas have
remained to change the unique patterns through the composition of such
composers such as Hubert Parry, Gustav Holst, Arthur Sullivan, Edward Elgar,
Vaughan Williams and Benjamin Britten.
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