Ruth Klüger
Ruth Klüger was born on the 30 th October 1931; she is Professor Emerita of the German Studies at the University of California, Irvine; s...
Ruth Klüger was born on the 30th October 1931; she is
Professor Emerita of the German Studies at the University of California,
Irvine; she is also a Holocaust survivor.

source of picture:
Ruth Klüger is the author of the bestseller weiter leben: Eine Jugend, which was about her
childhood in the Third Reich.
Hitler marched into the city of Vienna in the year 1938. The annexation
of the country to the Third Reich after Ruth Klüger in a big way, and she was
at the age of 6 then, so she had to change school often and she grew up in
rather a hostile environment.
Her father who was a Jewish gynecologist, lost his license and later was
sent to prison for performing an illegal abortion.
Ruth Klüger was born in the city of Vienna after the annexation of the
country and she was deported to Theresienstadt
concentration camp along with the
mother at the age of 11, her father tried to leave the country, but he was
detained and executed.
She was transferred to Auschwitz a year after. After the World
War II in the year 1945, Ruth Klüger
resided in Bavarian town of Straubing and she later studied philosophy and
history at Philosophisch-theologische Hochschule in Regensburg.
Ruth Klüger moved to the US and Studied English Literature in New York in
the year 1947 and she studied the German Literature in Berkeley.
Ruth Klüger got her MA in the year 1952 and her Ph.D in the year 1967.
She worked as a collage professor of the German Literature in the Cleveland,
Ohio, Kansas, and Virginia, and at Princeton and UC Irvine.
Ruth Klüger is a respected authority on the German Literature and
especially on Lessing and Kleist.
Ruth Klüger is currently residing in Irvine, California and in Gottingen.
Ø weiter leben. Eine Jugend,
Ø Katastrophen. Über die deutsche Literatur,
Ø Von hoher und niederer Literatur,
Ø Knigges Umgang mit Menschen,
Ø Frauen lesen anders, 1996
Ø Landscapes of Memory, 2001
Ø Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered,
Ø unterwegs verloren. Erinnerungen,
She has also published under the penname,
Ruth Angress.
Ø Rauriser
Literaturpreis (1993)
Ø Johann-Jacob-Christoph-von
Grimmelshausen-Preis (1993)
Ø Niedersachsenpreis
Ø Marie-Luise-Kaschnitz-Preis
Ø Anerkennungspreis
zum Andreas-Gryphius-Preis (1996)
Ø Heinrich-Heine-Medaille
Ø Prix
de la Shoah (1998)
Ø Thomas-Mann-Preis
Ø Preis
der Frankfurter Anthologie (1999)
Ø Goethe-Medaille
Ø Roswitha
Prize (2006)
Ø Lessing-Preis
des Freistaates Sachsen (2007)
Ø Hermann-Cohen-Medaille
Ø Ehrenmedaille
der Stadt Göttingen (2010)
Ø Theodor-Kramer-Preis
Ø Austrian
Danubius prize (2011)