Nikolaus Paryla
Nikolaus Paryla was born on the 19 th November 1939 in Zurich. He is an Austrian actor and a stage director. source of picture: www.f...
Nikolaus Paryla was born on the 19th November 1939 in Zurich.
He is an Austrian actor and a stage director.

source of picture:
Nikolaus Paryla studied at the Academy of Music and Performing Art at the
Max Reinhardt Seminar in the city of Vienna. He received his first engagement
at the Wiener
Volkstheater as Moritz Stiefel in Frank Wedekind's Spring Awakening in the year 1961; he was engaged at the Theatre
in der Josefstadt until the year 1969. Nikolaus
Paryla was part of the ensemble of the Berlin Schiller Theatre between the year
1970 and the year 1971, and after that he stood on the stage of the Munich
Residenz Theatre until the year 1986.
Ø 1960:
Das Zaubermännchen
Ø 1979:
Der ganz normale Wahnsinn (TV
Ø 1983:
Ø 1988:
Heimatmuseum (TV film)
Ø 1988:
Mit Leib und Seele (TV series)
Ø 1995:
Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel
Ø 1995:
Rohe Ostern (TV film)
Ø 1997:
Das Schloß (TV film)
Ø 1998:
Solo für Klarinette
Ø 1999:
Geliebte Gegner (TV film)
Ø 2000:
Polt muss weinen
Ø 2001:
Ø 2001:
Tatort – Im freien Fall (part of TV-series)
Ø 2003:
Pumuckl und sein Zirkusabenteuer
(part of TV-series)
Ø 2004:
Schimanski: Das Geheimnis des Golem
(part of TV-series)
Ø 2005:
Marias letzte Reise (TV film)
Ø 2005:
Schiller (TV film)
Ø 2006:
Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe
(TV film)
Ø 2008:
Tatort – Der glückliche Tod
(part of TV-series)
Ø 2009:
Tatort – Wir sind die Guten
(part of TV-series)
Ø 2010:
Länger Leben
Ø 2012:
Wer’s glaubt, wird selig