Maria Rohm
Maria Rohm was born on the 13 th August 1945 in the city of Vienna, Austria; she is an Austrian actress. source of picture: www.maria...
Maria Rohm was born on the 13th August 1945 in the city of
Vienna, Austria; she is an Austrian actress.

source of picture:
Maria Rohm is famous for the appearance she made in many exploitation
movies that was directed by Jesus Franco in the later part of the 1960s. she
was married to the film producer of the country called Harry Alan Towers from
the year 1964 till he died in the year 2009. She has retired from acting since
the year 1976 and is now a producer.
Ø Twenty-Four Hours to Kill
Ø The Million Eyes of Sumuru
Ø Five Golden Dragons (1966)
Ø The Vengeance of Fu Manchu
Ø The House of 1,000 Dolls
Ø The Face of Eve (1968)
Ø The Blood of Fu Manchu
Ø The Girl from Rio (The Seven Secrets
of Sumuru, 1968)
Ø 99 Women (1968)
Ø Venus in Furs (1969)
Ø Eugenie... The Story of Her Journey Into Perversion
Ø The Bloody Judge (1969)
Ø Count Dracula (1970)
Ø Dorian Gray (1970)
Ø Black Beauty (1971)
Ø Call of the Wild (1972)
Ø Treasure Island (1972)
Ø Ten Little Indians (1974)