Lotte Ledl
Lotte Ledl was born on the 16 th March 1930 in the city of Vienna, Austria; she is an Austrian actress. source of picture: peoplechec...
Lotte Ledl was born on the 16th March 1930 in the city of
Vienna, Austria; she is an Austrian actress.

source of picture:
Ø Eine
fast perfekte Scheidung-An Almost Perfect Wedding (1997)
Ø 38
/ 38 - Auch das war Wien-'38 Home to the Realm (1985)
Ø Derrick
- Season 9, Episode 04: "Die Fahrt nach Lindau" (1982)
Ø Derrick
- Season 8, Episode 02: "Am Abgrund" (1981)
Ø Derrick
- Season 5, Episode 03: "Abendfrieden" (1978)
Ø Die
Klasse (1968)
Ø Der
junge Törless-Young Torless (1965)
Ø Max,
der Taschendieb (1961)
Ø Jenseits
des Rheins-The Crossing of the Rhine (1960)
Ø Ein
Lied geht um die Welt. (The Josef-Schmidt-Story) (1958)
Ø Der
Schandfleck (1956)
Ø Husarenmanöver
Ø Die
Sennerin von St. Kathrein-The Cowgirl of Saint Catherine (1955)