Karl Paryla
Karl Paryla was born in the year 1905; he died in the year 1996. He was an Austrian theatre actor and a director, and a film maker also. K...

Karl Paryla was born in the year 1905; he died in the year 1996. He was
an Austrian theatre actor and a director, and a film maker also. Karl Paryla
was a lifelong dedicated communist and his career in the movie industry of the
country was interrupted at first by the World War II, and the n strained by the
Cold War politics in the 1950s. He started working in the East Germany, and it
was there that he performed as an actor and he directed plays and movies.

source of picture: www.steffi-line.de
Karl Paryla was trained in the school of Constantine Stanislavski and he
is praised for his realism that was brought to his roles in the movies.
Ø Letzte Liebe (1934)
Ø … nur ein Komödiant (1935)
Ø Burgtheater (1936)
Ø Fräulein Lilli (1936)
Ø Sein letztes Modell (1937)
Ø Der Pfarrer von Kirchfeld
Ø Nanon (1938)
Ø The Angel with the Trumpet
Ø Dr. Semmelweis - Retter der Mütter
Ø Die Unbesiegbaren (1953)
Ø Der Komödiant von Wien
(also directed and adapted, 1954)
Ø Mich dürstet (directed, 1956)
Ø Gasparone (directed and wrote
screenplay, 1956)
Ø Zu viele Köche (TV show, 1961)
Ø Der Traum des Hauptmann Loy
Ø Die inneren Stimmen (TV, 1961)
Ø Eine Nacht in Venedig (TV, 1962)
Ø Hin und her (1963)
Ø Der Bauer als Millionär
(TV, 1963)
Ø Kean (TV, 1963)
Ø Flüchtlingsgespräche (TV, 1964)
Ø Professor Bernhardi (TV, 1964)
Ø An der schönen blauen Donau
(TV, 1965)
Ø The Merchant of Venice
(TV, 1968)
Ø Libussa (TV, 1972)
Ø As You Like It (TV, 1973))
Ø Totstellen (TV, 1975)
Ø Alpensaga, Teil 3 – Das große Fest
(TV, 1977)
Ø Die grüne Seite (TV, 1981)
Ø Der Talisman (TV, 1987)
Ø Les volets verts (TV series L'heure Simenon, 1988)
Ø La mort d'Auguste (TV series L'heure Simenon, 1988)
Ø Singen kann der Mensch auf unzählige Arten
(TV) (1989)