Karl Baumgartner
Karl Baumgartner was born in the year 1949; he died on the 18 th March 2014. He was a German movie producer and he worked in over 70 movi...

Karl Baumgartner was born in the year 1949; he died on the 18th
March 2014. He was a German movie producer and he worked in over 70 movies of
the country between the year 1991 and the year 2014.

source of picture: cineuropa.org
Ø Life on a String (1991)
Ø Underground (1995)
Ø Dance of the Wind (1997)
Ø Black Cat, White Cat (1998)
Ø Mostly Martha (2001)
Ø Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
Ø Stratosphere Girl (2004)
Ø You Am I (2006)
Ø The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the
Ø Teza (2008)
Ø The Light Thief (2010)
Ø Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)