Joseph Delmont was born on the 8th May 1873 with the name
Josef Pollak in Loywein, Austria; he died on the 12th March 1935 in
Bad Pystian, Slovakia. He was an Austrian film director of about 200 movies,
largely short, in which he was popular for the innovative use of the beast of
prey. He was also an actor of the country, a screenplay writer and a cameraman.
He was also active as a writer when he was alive.
source of picture:
Joseph Delmont was born in the year 1873 as one of the 16 children of the
father Moses Pollak and the mother Resi nee Fuch in Loywein, Lower Austria.
He grew up as a performer and a trapeze artist. After getting his
training as a metal worker, he rejoined his circus as a trainer of the animal
and a lion tamer and for that he travelled to many parts of the world. He
visited the United States in the year 1901 and he remained there so as to work
as the director of an animal business.
After he had visited several shows of the new medium of movies and
developing interest in it. He started making his own movies in the year 1903
for the movie production company called Vitagraph. In the year 1905, Joseph
Delmont made his two-act film.
He went back to the city of Vienna in the year 1910 and among other
things he worked there for the Österreichisch-Ungarische
Kinoindustrie, he later worked as a cameraman and also as a director of
scenery, on the oldest Austrian drama movie to survive all the Der Müller und sein Kind of 1911.
Soon after that, he
moved to Germany and he directed, sometimes jointly with Harry Piel as
co-director, and Fred Sauer, Curt Bois and Ilse Bois as the actors, a series of
adventurous movies, action-packed movies, dramatic fantasy movies.
For the act of making
the movies, Joseph Delmont travelled
to many parts of the world like Panama, Portugal, England, France, Spain and
the Netherlands.
He ended his career
in the movies in the year 1925 and he devoted his time to authorship, which he
stopped since the year 1892. By the time of his death in the year 1935, Joseph Delmont had written many novels and
short stories and many articles for the newspaper of the country.
Joseph Delmont died in Bad Pystian, now Piešťany,
Slovakia in the year 1935.
Ø Der Müller und sein Kind
(I), 1910 (Germany; screenplay only)
Ø Der Müller und sein Kind
(II), 1911 (Austria; camera and technical direction)
Ø Der Streikbrecher, 1911 (Germany)
Ø Mutter und Sohn, 1911 (Germany)
Ø Verirrte Seelen, 1911 (Germany)
Ø Das sechste Gebot, 1912 (Germany)
Ø Der Fremde, 1912 (Germany)
Ø Die Puppe, 1912 (Germany)
Ø Schuld und Sühne, 1912 (Germany;
Ø Der wilde Jäger, 1912 (Germany;
Ø Dichterlos, 1912 (Germany)
Ø Das Sterben im Walde, 1912 (Germany;
screenplay, actor)
Ø Das Recht aufs Dasein, 1913 (Germany;
crime film; actor with, among others, Ilse Bois; 880 metres)
Ø Der letzte Akkord, 1913 (Germany;
Ø Das rote Pulver, 1913 (Germany;
Ø Das Tagebuch eines Toten,
1913 (Germany)
Ø Auf einsamer Insel, 1913 (Germany;
screenplay, actor)
Ø Der geheimnisvolle Klub,
1913 (Germany; actor with, among others, Ilse Bois, Fred Sauer; 851 metres)
Ø Der Desperado von Panama,
1914 (Germany; actor)
Ø Ein Erbe wird gesucht, 1915 (Germany)
Ø Ein ungeschriebenes Blatt,
1915 (Germany; screenplay)
Ø Der Silbertunnel, 1915 (Germany)
Ø Titanenkampf, 1916 (Germany;
Ø Theophrastus Paracelsus,
1916 (Germany; screenplay)
Ø Die Töchter des Eichmeisters,
1916 (Germany; screenplay)
Ø Der Bastard, 1919 (Germany;
Ø Margot de Plaisance, 1919 (Germany;
Ø Der Kampf der Geschlechter,
1919 (Germany; screenplay)
Ø Die Geächteten, 1919 (Germany;
Ø Die Insel der Gezeichneten,
1920 (Germany)
Ø Madame Recamier / Des Großen Talma letzte Liebe, 1920
Ø Der König der Manege, 1921 (Germany;
co-author of screenplay, Schauspiel)
Ø Die eiserne Faust, 1921 (Germany)
Ø Julot, der Apache, 1921 (Germany;
Ø Der Mann aus Stahl, 1922 (Germany)
Ø Der Sieg des Maharadscha,
1923 (Germany)
Ø Marco unter Gauklern und Bestien,
1923 (Germany)
Ø Mater Dolorosa, 1924 (Germany)
Ø Um eine Million, 1924 (Germany;
co-director, screenplay)
Ø Der Millionenraub im Rivieraexpreß,
1925-27 (Germany/France 1925-1927)
Ø Wilde Tiere im Film: Erlebnisse aus meinen
Filmaufnahmen in aller Welt. Dieck, Stuttgart 1925
Ø Die Stadt unter dem Meere.
Leipzig 1925 (novel)
Ø In Ketten. Fr. Wilh. Grunow,
Leipzig 1926
Ø Von lustigen Tieren und dummen Menschen: Eine
Ø Abenteuer mit wilden Tieren: Erlebnisse e.
Raubtierfängers 1927
Ø Der Gefangene der Wüste
Ø Die Sieben Häuser: Wanderfahrten e. Lausbuben.
Ø Der Ritt auf dem Funken: Phantastischer
Zukunftsroman. 1928
Ø Der Casanova von Bautzen
1931; new edition Lusatia-Verlag, Bautzen 2005
Ø Die Abenteuer des Johnny Kilburn.