Hubert Marischka
Hubert Marischka was born on the 27 th August 1882; he died on the 4 th December 1959. He was the brother of Ernst Marischka. He was an ...
Hubert Marischka was born on the 27th August 1882; he died on
the 4th December 1959. He was the brother of Ernst Marischka. He was
an Austrian operetta tenor, actor and a film director of the country, Austria.
source of picture:
Hubert Marischka was born in Brunn am Gebirge, he was the son of Johann
Marischka. He started as a joiner though he trained as a singer and in the year
1904, he started a new career in the operetta in the theatre of St. Polten in Der arme Jonathan by Karl
Hubert Marischka had his first success as a singer in Brunn in the year
1906, as Danilo in Die
lustige Witwe. He sang the premier of the Der fidele Bauer by Leo Fall in Mannheim on the 27th
July 1907.
He made his first
appearance on the stage of the country in the Vienna at the Carltheatre in Fall's Die geschiedene Frau.
Ø 1913:
Die Feuerprobe (actor)
Ø 1913:
Der Millionenonkel / Der Verschwender (actor, co-screenwriter, co-director)
Ø 1915:
Mit Herz und Hand fürs Vaterland (actor)
Ø 1915:
Zwei Freunde (actor, co-director)
Ø 1915:
Der Schusterprinz (screenwriter)
Ø 1915:
Das erste Weib (director, screenwriter)
Ø 1917:
Mir kommt keiner aus / Die schwarze Hand (actor)
Ø 1918:
Wo die Lerche singt (actor, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1918:
Der Tribut des Künstlers (short film; actor)
Ø 1918:
Um ein Weib (actor, co-director)
Ø 1932:
Gräfin Mariza (actor)
Ø 1935:
Die ganze Welt dreht sich um Liebe / Liebesmelodie (screenwriter)
Ø 1939:
Drunter und drüber (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1939:
Hochzeitsreise zu dritt (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1939:
Das Glück wohnt nebenan (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1940:
Herzensfreud - Herzensleid (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1940:
Der ungetreue Eckehart
Ø 1941:
Wir bitten zum Tanz (director)
Ø 1941:
Oh diese Männer (director)
Ø 1942:
Wiener Blut (co-screenwriter)
Ø 1943:
Der Meisterdetektiv (director)
Ø 1943:
Drei tolle Mädels (director)
Ø 1943:
Ein Mann für meine Frau (director, )
Ø 1943:
Ein Walzer mit dir (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1943:
Alles aus Liebe (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1944:
Ein Mann gehört ins Haus (director)
Ø 1947:
Wiener Melodien (co-director)
Ø 1948:
Der Herr Kanzleirat (director, screenwriter)
Ø 1950:
Küssen ist keine Sünd (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1951:
Stadtpark / Kleiner Peter, große Sorgen (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1951:
Der fidele Bauer (co-screenwriter)
Ø 1951:
Die Czardasfürstin (actor)
Ø 1952:
Knall und Fall als Hochstapler (director)
Ø 1952:
The Land of Smiles (co-screenwriter)
Ø 1952:
Du bist die Rose vom Wörthersee (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1953:
Die Perle von Tokay (director, co-screenwriter)
Ø 1955:
Laß die Sonne wieder scheinen (director)
Ø 1956:
Liebe, Sommer und Musik (director, co-screenwriter)