Haroldo de Campos
Haroldo de Campos was born on the 19 th August 1929; he died on the 16 th August 2003 in the city of Sao Paulo. He was a Brazilian poet,...
Haroldo de Campos was born on the 19th August 1929; he died on
the 16th August 2003 in the city of Sao Paulo. He was a Brazilian
poet, critic, translator and a professor. Haroldo de Campos is widely seen as
one of the most crucial figures in the country’s literature since the year
source of picture: www.algosobre.com.br
Haroldo de Campos did his
secondary education at the Colégio São Bento, and it was there
that he learned his foreign languages like Latin, English, Spanish and French.
Together with the mother Augusto de Campos and Décio Pignatari, Haroldo de Campos formed the poetic group
called Noigandres that published the experimental journals that has the
same name, which started the movement of poesia
concreta in the country.
Haroldo de Campos got his doctorate degree from the Faculty of
Philosophy, Letters and Human sciences of USP under the help of Antonio
Haroldo de Campos was a professor at the Catholic University,
PUC-SP as well as a visiting professor at the University of Yale and the
University of Texas at Austin.
Volumes of
Ø Xadrez de Estrelas (1976)
Ø Signância: Quase Céu (1979)
Ø A Educação dos Cinco Sentidos
Ø Crisantempo (1998)
Ø A Máquina do Mundo Repensada