Gerhard Riedmann
Gerhard Riedmann was born in the year 1925; he died in the year 2004. He was an Austrian film actor. Gerhard Riedmann was married to the a...
Gerhard Riedmann was born in the year 1925; he died in the year 2004. He
was an Austrian film actor. Gerhard Riedmann was married to the actress of the
country called Eva Probst.
source of picture:
Ø The Cousin from Nowhere
Ø Magic Fire (1955)
Ø The Beggar Student (1956)
Ø The Count of Luxemburg
Ø Trees Are Blooming in Vienna
Ø Waldrausch (1962)
Ø The Pipes (1966)
Ø Clint the Stranger (1967)
Ø Waldrausch (1977)