Bernhard Wicki
Bernhard Wicki was born on the 28 th October 1919 in St. Polten, Austria; he died on the 5 th January 2000 in the city of Munich. He was...
Bernhard Wicki was born on the 28th October 1919 in St.
Polten, Austria; he died on the 5th January 2000 in the city of
Munich. He was an Austrian actor and a film director.

source of picture:
Ø Warum sind sie gegen uns?
Ø Die Brücke (The Bridge) (1959)
Ø Das Wunder des Malachias
Ø The Longest Day (with others) (1962)
Ø Der Besuch (The Visit) (1964)
Ø Morituri (1965)
Ø Das falsche Gewicht (1971)
Ø Karpfs Karriere (1971)
Ø The Conquest of the Citadel
Ø Die Grünstein-Variante
Ø Sansibar oder Der letzte Grund
Ø Das Spinnennetz (1989)
Ø Die letzte Brücke (1953)
Ø The Eternal Waltz (1954)
Ø Es geschah am 20. Juli
Ø Children, Mother, and the General
Ø Weil du arm bist, mußt du früher sterben
Ø The Zurich Engagement (1957)
Ø Flucht in die Tropennacht
Ø Queen Louise (1957)
Ø La Chatte (fr) (1958)
Ø Madeleine und der Legionär (de)
Ø La notte (The Night) (1961)
Ø Carlos (1971)
Ø Crime and Passion (1976)
Ø Derrick - Season 4, Episode
3: "Eine Nacht im Oktober" (1977)
Ø The Glass Cell (1978)
Ø The Left-Handed Woman (1978)
Ø Despair (1978)
Ø La mort en direct (1980)
Ø Derrick - Season 7, Episode
9: "Zeuge Yuroski" (1980)
Ø Domino (1981)
Ø The Mysterious Stranger
Ø A Love in Germany (1983)
Ø Frühlingssinfonie (de)
Ø Paris, Texas (1984)
Ø Dangerous Moves (1984)
Ø Eine Art von Zorn (TV movie) (1984)
Ø Killing Cars (de)
Ø Success (1991)
and Awards
Ø 1958:
Film Award in Silver (documentary) for Warum
sind sie gegen uns? (Why they
are against us?)
Ø 1960:
The Golden Bowl, Film Award (Director), German Film Critics Award, German Youth
Film Award, Golden Globe and an Academy Award nomination (Best Foreign Film)
for Die Brücke (The Bridge)
Ø 1960:
United Nations award for contribution to peace
Ø 1961:
Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival (Best Director) for The Miracle of Father Malachia
Ø 1962:
Ø 1963:
Academy Award nomination for The
Longest Day
Ø 1972:
Golden Camera (Director) and Film
Award (Director) for Das falsche
Gewicht (The wrong weight)
Ø 1976:
Film Award for many years of excellent work in the German film industry
Ø 1977:
Film Award in Silver for The Conquest
of the Citadel
Ø 1979:
St. Jakob Prandtauer Prize for Science and Art of the city of St Pölten
Ø 1982:
Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Ø 1985:
Film Award (Director) for Die
Grünstein-Variante (The
greenstone variant)
Ø 1986:
Helmut Käutner Award
Ø 1986:
Critics Award for Die
Ø 1988:
Adolf Grimme Award for Sansibar oder
Der letzte Grund (Zanzibar or
The last Reason)
Ø 1989:
Film Award (Special Film Award 40 years Federal Republic of Germany) for Die Brücke
Ø 1989:
Bavarian Film Award
Ø 1989:
Honorary Award of the Abendzeitung
(Evening Paper)
Ø 1989:
Academy Award nomination (Best Foreign Film) and Film Award (Director) for The Spider's Web
Ø 1990:
Berlin International Film Festival: Berlinale Camera
Ø 1990:
Schwabing Art Prize (prize)
Ø 1992:
Universum Film AG prize
Ø 1992:
Bavarian Order of Merit
Ø 1998:
DIVA Award
Ø 1999:
Medal "Munich shines" in gold
Ø 2000:
Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, 1st class