Anton Edthofer
Anton Edthofer was born in the year 1883; he died in the year 1971. He was an Austrian actor. source of picture: ...
Anton Edthofer was born in the year 1883; he died in the year 1971. He
was an Austrian actor.

source of picture:
Ø Gräfin Walewska (1920)
Ø The Eyes of the World (1920)
Ø Moj (1920)
Ø Playing with Fire (1921)
Ø Hazard (1921)
Ø The Secret of Bombay (1921)
Ø Bardame (1922)
Ø Phantom (1922)
Ø Die Straße (1923)
Ø Nora (1923)
Ø The Princess Suwarin (1923)
Ø Bob und Mary (1923)
Ø Boarding House Groonen
Ø The Guardsman (1925)
Ø The Burning Heart (1929)
Ø Poor as a Church Mouse
Ø Dreaming Lips (1932)
Ø Pygmalion (1935)
Ø Die Pompadour (1935)
Ø Die Leuchter des Kaisers
Ø The Unexcused Hour (1937)
Ø The Angel with the Trumpet
Ø Wiener Mädeln (1949)
Ø The Angel with the Trumpet