Vasco José Taborda Ribas
Vasco José Taborda Ribas was born on the 18 th September 1909 in Curitiba; he died on the 3 rd April 1997 in Ibidem. He was a Brazilian ...
Vasco José Taborda Ribas was born on the 18th September 1909
in Curitiba; he died on the 3rd April 1997 in Ibidem. He was a
Brazilian lawyer, writer, professor and a linguistic.
source of picture:
He moved to Ginásio
Paranaense and studied law at the Federal University of
Paraná, and was a promoter of the Justiça
Militar no Brasil. He was the secretary of the Tribunal de Contas do Paraná,
the director of Serviço Social do
Paraná, he was the procurer of the Tribunal de Contas do Paraná, the librarian at the Instituto
Neopitagórico and also a member of the institutions like Círculo de Estudos
Bandeirantes, PEN Clube do Brasil and others.
Ø Saturnópolis (1940);
Ø Um Episódio da Ocupação de Curitiba pelas Forças
Federalistas em 1894 (1944)
Ø O Sete Orelhas
Ø Sapé
Ø Rocha Pombo (1958)
Ø Euclides da Cunha (1959)
Ø Rodrigo Junior (1960)
Ø Leôncio Correia (1960)
Ø Antologia do Folclore Brasileiro
Ø O Fisquim (1963)
Ø A Estrela e Eu (1963)
Ø Varredores da Madrugada
Ø Antologia de Trovadores do Paraná
Ø Antologia dos Poetas Paranaenses
Ø Trufas
Ø Muçaraí - Movimentos Poéticos
Ø Almenara - Meditação (1975)
Ø Trovadores do Brasil;
Ø Dicionário Cultural da Língua Portuguesa
Ø Roteiro - Viagem à Amazonia